The Facial Affect Conferences (FACes) is an NSF-funded, two-part academic conference series that brings together leading experts in social psychology and affective science to discuss divergent perspectives on the expression and interpretation of facial emotion, to clearly identify areas of agreement and disagreement, to develop testable hypotheses, and to guide the development of stimuli that will meet the evolving needs of the field. Through presentations, discussant-led panel discussions, Q&As, and working groups, speakers and conference attendees will collaboratively develop a set of questions intended to serve the integrative goals of the conference. We welcome individuals from diverse backgrounds and disciplines, including psychology, neuroscience, computer science, engineering, and more. These conferences are being offered free of cost and attendees are welcome to join for either or both sessions.
Online Conference Overview • November 14, 2023
The goal of the first (online) conference is to present four distinct theoretical perspectives related to emotion displays and emotion recognition, and to identify areas of alignment as well as areas of disagreement among these four perspectives. We will highlight critical questions that need further exploration in the field. Attendees will have a chance to discuss presentations in small breakout rooms over Zoom and will have an opportunity to pose questions to the speakers and discussants and offer suggestions for potential focus areas for the in-person conference.
In-Person Conference Overview • March 1, 2024
The goal of the second (in-person) conference is to develop new concrete hypotheses and tests that can help test and/or reconcile the diverse perspectives presented during the first conference. Speakers will give an updated talk based on the discussion during the first conference and we will host working groups in which speakers, discussants, and attendees collaborate to develop experiments designed to test specific hypotheses.
New Orleans Marriott
555 Canal Street
New Orleans, LA, USA, 70130